NEXA to attend this year’s Digital Health Summit

Combining innovative healthcare solutions with technology

We’re excited to announce that NEXA will be at the upcoming Digital Health Summit in Sydney.

5 Benefits of taking an Omnichannel Approach to Healthcare: Streamlining the Journey for Today’s Patients

Healthcare is very different today than what it was even just years ago.

Healthcare Queuing: How to set a Better Standard

Patients waiting in line at healthcare facilities face a huge sense of stress and worry.

4 Simple Tips to Make Hospital Scheduling Work

Effective hospital scheduling is one of the most important elements in every healthcare facility.

Achieving Success: Why Choose NEXA To Make Your Career Count?

Change happens fast in today’s workplace.

An Introduction to Service Design (+ free eBook guide download)

At NEXA, we believe that every customer interaction matters.

6 Barriers to Service Design and How to Overcome Them

Every business strives to provide a holistic, excellent service that will satisfy customers and encourage them to come back again and again.

However, with growing competition and increasing customer expectations, this has never been more important...

The Benefits Of Understanding Your Patient Journey

In Australia, there are more than 50,000 hospitalisations and presentations to public hospital emergency departments every single day!

5 steps to creating a better patient experience (and why it matters)

How to take a patient-centric approach to healthcare