How to effectively manage patient flow during the COVID-19 vaccination rollout


As you’re aware, Australia is now well underway with the COVID-19 vaccine rollout across the country.

As a COVID-19 vaccination centre, you play a vital role in the success, health and safety of your local communities.

But while we’re all aiming to vaccinate as many people as possible over the next year, it’s important to consider how your centre will effectively schedule bookings and manage patient appointments, all while taking into account social distancing measures and patient flow.

Fortunately, NEXA’s patient management solutions can help make everything run smoothly for both your team and your patients. With our intuitive software products, you can now help people navigate the entire vaccination process and achieve internal efficiencies that far exceed tedious manual booking systems.

Here’s how NEXA makes the COVID-19 vaccination process accessible and easy.

Streamlining the COVID-19 vaccine rollout with NEXA

NEXA is an Australian company that delivers innovative software solutions to streamline the COVID-19 vaccine rollout by supporting your clinic staff:

  • Q-Flow® software manages and optimises the patient journey and can be further enhanced with NEXA's OASIS, Mobile Q and eConcierge.
  • NEXA OASIS automates appointment scheduling, making it easy for your patients to schedule their vaccinations at their own convenience via your website.
  • When the patients arrive, they can use NEXA Mobile Q on their mobile devices to check-in for their pre-booked appointment or simply join the queue, alerting staff that they’ve arrived and are ready to receive their vaccination. This helps to eliminate congestion and enhance their overall experience.
  • Then, NEXA eConcierge enables your team to be more efficient in assisting on-site patients – whether they need to assign people to queues, reroute patients or deal with immediate queries.

Solutions that are trusted globally to support the COVID-19 rollout

The United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS) has implemented Q-Flow® to schedule their COVID-19 vaccination appointment bookings and customer notifications in more than 1,000 locations across the U.K. 

At NEXA, we’re able to provide the same tried and tested solution here to manage Australia’s COVID-19 vaccination program.


Benefits of NEXA solutions for the COVID-19 vaccination program

Through our range of software applications, you can prevent operational errors, meet patients’ expectations and make every step in the vaccination process more organised.

NEXA solutions offer your vaccination centre the following benefits:

    • Seamless queue process – With NEXA’s online appointment scheduling and queue management, you can minimise long queues and reduce wait times.
    • Higher productivity levels for employees – NEXA solutions allow your team to effectively communicate with patients and spend less time managing queues manually.
    • Compliance with COVID-19 guidelines – By avoiding congestion, NEXA solutions enable you to protect everyone’s welfare and make better use of your clinic space.
    • Improve delivery of service – NEXA transforms the vaccination process into a positive experience, maximising convenience and keeping patients satisfied with the process.
    • Improve efficiency – The capabilities of NEXA solutions prevent you from spending time and effort using slower, manual systems.

Want to know more? Read our COVID-19 Vaccination page.

Provide the highest quality service and patient experience for your vaccination program with NEXA.

At NEXA, we’re focused on delivering innovative solutions that improve both the patient journey and internal efficiencies.

Our suite of solutions will help create a better operating environment that offers your patients the best quality of service and customer experience.

Contact us today and we can discuss your needs.  

Vaccination Appointment Scheduling*