Checklist: rate your service delivery in keeping up with customer expectations

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Every industry today is experiencing more competition and greater pressure to embrace digital transformation than ever before.

That’s because customer expectations are changing, attention spans are shortening, and everyone has access to so many options to choose from.

How is your organisation adapting?

To keep your customers satisfied and loyal to your business, you need to make sure that your service delivery is tailored to their unique needs and optimises their experience. To meet customer expectations, it’s also important to make sure they are not just passive recipients of service but are actively involved in the service process.

This is where Service Design comes in – and it will help your business both adapt and thrive.

What is Service Design?

Service Design is the activity of proactively planning and implementing change to improve service quality to meet the needs of the users of that service. It is a holistic, customer-centric approach using design principles, tools, processes and an empathetic understanding of customer needs.

With Service Design, service providers like you can develop a clear-cut, streamlined way of delivering quality services to your customers and making sure that they are fully involved in the process.

How does Service Design work?

Service design is a consultative approach.

The NEXA team collaborate with you to identify and highlight the gaps between customer expectations and service delivery levels to then implement changes to eliminate unnecessary queues, minimise wait times, reduce customer frustrations and improve staff morale.

This results in a more effective service delivery and a better experience for customers, staff and management – a win for everyone!

Through design principles, tools and processes, service design enables you to deliver customer-centric services that lead to overall business success, based on an understanding of all user requirements, including staff, team members, management and customers.

The key benefits of Service Design

Tick everything that you do currently:

  • Your service process is customer-centric
  • Your customers are involved in the co-creation of your service solution
  • Your operations have been tested throughout the development process
  • You communicate with your team and your customers with visual tools
  • You offer holistic services that address every touchpoint of the journey
  • Your process is tailored to today’s customers
  • You have adapted to cultural shifts in your industry
  • Your business stands out in your industry because of customer satisfaction

If you haven’t ticked all the boxes above, then it’s time to consider developing a more consultative service design approach – to create more customer interactions that matter.

We have prepared a free Service Design eBook below that will give you everything you need to know.

Ready to try Service Design?

Whether you’re a medical clinic, retailer or a local council, your customers’ experience will always come down to the quality of your service delivery.

This is why the process of Service Design is so important.

Download our free Service Design eBook today and learn how to assess, improve and innovate your existing services, as well as design new ones.


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