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Digital Transformation in Health Sector: NEXA’s experience in attending the Digital Health Summit

Last month, on October 17-18, our NEXA team was thrilled to be a part of this year’s Digital Health Summit presented by the Australasian Institute of Digital Health (AIDH) and eHealth NSW.

Simplifying Student Admission Processes Through Digital Transformation

While queuing is an everyday occurrence, one place where queues happen too often and yet remain unaddressed is in universities, colleges and educational institutions.

Showcasing NEXA’s level of support: 8 support elements you get when working with us

At NEXA, we have been delivering innovative solutions to businesses and organisations across many different industries including government agencies, hospitals, medical facilities and universities in order to streamline their overall customer...

NEXA to attend this year’s Digital Health Summit

Combining innovative healthcare solutions with technology

We’re excited to announce that NEXA will be at the upcoming Digital Health Summit in Sydney.

How the Service Design Approach helps all organisations enhance service delivery

“There has to be a better way!”

Service Design in Action: How To Make Customer Interactions Matter

In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, providing a great customer experience matters more than ever.

Checklist: rate your service delivery in keeping up with customer expectations

Every industry today is experiencing more competition and greater pressure to embrace digital transformation than ever before.

Improving The Customer Experience using Customer Feedback Insights

Collecting and using customer feedback is nothing new.

Improving the Patient Experience: 4 Healthcare Trends to Embrace Now

While many organisations long to go back to pre-COVID times, the world is moving on and so is digital technology, especially in the healthcare industry.

Improving Customer Experience: How customer data helps boost loyalty

Now that the world is at the fingertips of anyone with a smartphone, customers are becoming more technologically savvy, more open to alternative options and greatly raising their expectations.